I'm a Systems Engineer with more than 10 years of experience. I was working with on-premise and virtual servers, controlled infrastructure with configuration management, created various CI/CD pipelines and wrote automation in different languages. Currently, I'm creating serverless applications in the cloud with a Platform Engineer title. I have worked in domains such as Content, Travel, and E-commerce. I'm interested in Solutions Architecture and Engineering Leadership, as well as new domain areas. Here you can find my work experience, education, and skills. Or download PDF version of the resume.
EPAM Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lead Systems Engineer
- Work for one of the largest manufacturer and seller of athletic footwear, apparel, accessories, and services
- Design and develop production services for data exchanges with partners and API integrations
- AWS, Github, Jenkins, Lambda, Step Functions, ECS Fargate, DynamoDB, S3, SQS, EventBridge, Terraform, CloudFormation, Python, Akamai, Jira
EPAM Systems, Minsk, Belarus
Lead Systems Engineer
- Worked on E-commerce project
- Created infrastructure from scratch as part of client migration to Cloud
- Created CI/CD pipeline from scratch with Github, CodeBuild, AWS SAM and custom Lambda functions
- Made improvements in current infrastructure in collaboration with hybrid team
- Created infrastructure for Node.js applications that runs in AWS StepFunctions and ECS Fargate with DynamoDB as database and DAX for caching
- Designed and developed blueprint template to speedup development of new APIs (JavaScript/TypeScript)
- AWS, Github, CodeBuild, Lambda, Step Functions, ECS Fargate, DynamoDB, DAX, S3, SQS, Terraform, Terragrunt, CloudFormation, JavaScript, TypeScript, Fastly, Jira, Confluence
OneTwoTrip, Moscow, Russia
Systems Engineer
- Developed a "multi-mongod" approach for host many MongoDB replica sets on the same servers via Chef
- Automated on-demand bootstrap and destroying of testing stages in OpenStack cloud with Packer, Terraform, and Ruby scripting
- Launched "Bus" vertical with an initial team (2 back dev, 1 QA, 1 front dev, 1 SE, 3 months)
- Migrated several projects from external developers to OneTwoTrip infrastructure
- Supported (upgrading, improvements) Elastic Stack installation (up to 150 TB in a cluster)
- Kickedoff internal weekly experience exchange program with keynotes, streaming and discussing (Tech-talks)
- Improved and automated many Infrastructure points
- Ubuntu, Chef, Ruby, Go, NodeJS, Riak, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Docker, Kubernetes, Nginx, AWS, Bosun, Kibana, Grafana, ElasticSearch, Prometheus, Jenkins, Git (BitBucket и GitLab), Jira
Imhonet, Moscow, Russia
System Administrator
- Supported Production, Test and Development infrastructure
- Made the transition of Proxmox cluster from version 3x to 4x
- In cooperation with QA lead and system architect developed CI/CD pipeline
- Implemented Blue-Green deployment based on Nginx
- Build ChatOps
- Debian, Ansible, Nginx, PHP, NodeJS, MySQL, Memcached, Redis, ElasticSearch, Gitlab, Jira
Rospartner, Dubna, Russia
System Administrator
- Linux systems administration RHEL/CentOS
- Supported high load Moscow government project *
- Administering LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP) web-application stack
- Lead monitoring department (On-Call rotation)
- CentOS, Nginx, PHP, MySQL, Redmine
VISM, Voronezh, Russia
Network Operations Engineer
- Internet Service Provider network support
- Monitoring of network equipment and servers
- Linux, D-link, Cisco
International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna"
Master's degree in System Analysis & Management
Voronezh State Technical University
Bachelor's degree in Information Systems and Technologies
Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect
AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional
Desktop OS: MacOS, Windows
Server OS: Debian/Ubuntu, CentOS/RHEL
Web-servers: Nginx, Unicorn, Puma, PHP-FPM, HHVM, Tomcat, Express
Databases: MySQL/MariaDB, Elasticsearch, Redis, PostgreSQL, Riak
Virtualization: KVM, Docker, Kubernetes, Proxmox, OpenVZ, LXC, Vagrant, VMware
CI/CD: Go CD, Jenkins
Configuration Management: Ansible, Chef
Infrastructure as Code: Terraform, Terragrunt, Packer
Version control: Git (Github, Gitlab)
Clouds: Amazon (AWS), Google (GCP), Heroku, OpenStack
Coding: Bash, Ruby, Python, Go, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Issue & Project Tracking: Jira, Redmine, Youtrack
Monitoring: Zabbix, Nagios, Prometheus, Grafana, Bosun, Elasic, Splunk
Methodology: DevOps, Agile/Scrum, ITIL
Networks: vpn, vlan, nat, dhcp, ipv4/6
Open Source
QnA - Question and answer
service (made on course)
Flickr API wrapper -
Wrapper to work with Flickr API
LEGDNS - Service for
getting certificates from LetsEncrypt through DNS
Telegram Rank Bot
Telegram bot for ranking (karma) in chat groups
Telegram Password
Bot - Telegram bot for generating random passwords
Offices Station -
Arduino firmware for CO2 station
written in Ruby (made for learning)
Sneakers - REST API
written in Python (made for learning)
Zabbix Nginx Stat
Getter - Nginx external check script for Zabbix
Zabbix FCGI Stat
Getter - PHP-FPM external check script for Zabbix
Sample app -
Microblogging social network (made on course)
Parser - Price
RoR matrix RU - Interactive competency
matrix for Ruby on Rails developer